the scales of mediation

friday 18th january 2002 @ 20:02

stand back. twenty paces and ready, aim, don't fire. you shot from the heart and the raw power of your words hit home. but i didn't get to take a shot. laid horizontal and passive. listening, stuttering, no comment. just nod and swallow.

brief and tired i held back and the fable led to a winding conclusion that ended with a fake smile. now side by side we will toil and strain to make the best and offer ourselves as friends. no tears, no resolutions on my side. just relief on yours. you don't think you got off lightly. but you did. i had so much more to blame you for.

dreams don't take prisoners, only nightmares do. so why am i trapped in narrow corridors where the light is too bright and the turns drift with dusty words and forgotten mysteries. i'd like to leave with something warm to hold.

"why am i so alone?" "well baby, this is the path you have chosen." - stevie nicks