coming up for air, is it time for bed yet?

tuesday 17th december 2002 @ 20:17

a summary:

the right songs at the right time, with a barman who made the view more interesting and eased the strain on my pockets.

white shirt, suit trousers and just enough flesh to be sexy.

too many early shifts and too little sleep.

sunbleached braids in 6 hours, a tight scalp but warm lengths of softness now wrap around my shoulders. my ears are warmer.

gathering of colleagues that threatened to be tedious but swayed into tequila cocktails and doctor/nurse gossip. feeling taller and staying quiet, observing. listening. understanding.

passing round the anti-emetics to aching staff and making tea and toast to order. in the thick of morning after while patients vomit on the sidelines, sobriety was definately the better option.

a last minute call to arms. a chance to shine tonight under hot lights with the rock set.

sleep, sleep, sleep